Rules and Guidelines for Subcontractors/Suppliers
The rules and guidelines set out below shall apply to all subcontractors who are providing subcontract services or products/materials/equipment to any customer of Elecservice.
Any material breach of these rules and guidelines may result in the Contract with Elecservice being terminated, in accordance with clause 7.2(b) of the Terms and Conditions.
The following rules shall apply: –
- All individuals supplied by the Subcontractor must have the appropriate qualifications, training and skills to perform the Subcontract Services. Including Working at Height & Asbestos Awareness training.
- The Subcontractor must ensure individuals engaged to carry out the Subcontract Services have completed & signed a site induction and are aware of any particular health and safety issues relating to the site.
- The Subcontractor shall ensure all equipment used to provide the Subcontract Services is in good and proper condition and fit for purpose. Including dust extraction equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, first aid kits & PPE safety equipment.
- The Subcontractor has proof of PAT Tested equipment (Stickers clearly visible and available for onsite visual inspection) at each site visit.
- The Subcontractor shall ensure it provides the Subcontract Services in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements/recommendations and provides such services/materials in compliance with the appropriate British/EEC standards.
- No changes shall be made to the proposed works on site unless first notified to and agreed with the appropriate manager at Elecservice.
- The Subcontractor shall ensure that the individuals who are to perform the works shall arrive on site on the day and time agreed with the Customer and complete the works within the agreed timescales, subject to any reasonable delays due to unforeseen factors.
- The Subcontractor shall remove all used/old materials which have been replaced and all packaging and waste and leave the site in a clean and proper state as it was in prior to the works being carried out.
- No food or drink must be consumed in the area where works are being carried out and shall only be consumed in such area designated by the Customer.
- No use of mobile phones in work area and/ or at height, The subcontractor and his staff should move out of the work areas and go to welfare area to answer any calls.
- All individuals engaged by the Subcontractor shall act in an appropriate manner towards the Customer and any concerns relating to the conduct of the Customer should be reported immediately to Elecservice, who will deal with the matter.
- The Subcontractor shall ensure that all survey notes/job requirements are to be fully documented in the required format and submitted within 24 hours of attending site.
- The subcontractor shall ensure all NICEIC Certificates, Job sheets, Engineers reports after attending site are to be fully documented and submitted in the required form within 48 hours of attending site.
- The Subcontractor shall take responsibility themselves to ensure they know what is required of them/site issues/materials before attending site.
- The subcontractor shall ensure that job planning errors and return visits are limited to a minimum and understand this is a monitored KPI.
- The subcontractor shall ensure that they notify within 2 hours of happening an abortive visit/unplanned delay or site exclusion and fully explain/document the reasons for the unplanned leaving of site.
Contractor & Subcontractors responsibilities for Health & Safety
As an authorised contractor & subcontractor you have been provided with the Groups Health & safety policy & manual.
It is the responsibility of every appointed Contractor & subcontractor to:
- Ensure that they are competent to undertake the work and activities they are contracted to undertake.
- Provide requested health and safety information to the Group; so that the Group can assess health and safety competencies and discharge its Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 duties.
- Comply with statutory health and safety requirements.
- Report any identified health and safety failings to the attention of the Group.
- Notify the Group of any health and safety incidents.
- Conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments for the operations that they undertake and ensure that safe systems of work are developed and adhered to. Take account of changing conditions, review and update risk assessments and safe systems of work as necessary.
- Ensure that employees working under their control understand the requirements of risk assessments and work in compliance with the Group’s safe systems of work.
- Stop work immediately where a health and safety issue which has the potential to cause significant harm or is a serious breach of health and safety legislation is identified; contact the Project Supervisor/Director & Manager Director, so that the Group’s escalation procedures can be implemented. Do not recommence work until the identified issue has been rectified.
- Bring to the attention of the Project Directors (including John Peers MD) any health and safety incidents (including non-compliances). Assist with accident investigations where appropriate.
- The Subcontractor shall ensure that all Health & Safety RAMS are submitted at least 48 hours before attending site or earlier by request.
Other Key sections of the H&S policy manual (see attached) for you to consider on all jobs are the risks & requirements under the following sections – please use these areas as a checklist of Risk on all Jobs.
- 12 Manual handling
- 13 Hazardous substances
- 14 Asbestos – Working with
- 15 Asbestos management
- 16 Work at height / use of ladders, mobile towers, podiums, scaffolding and MEWP’s
- 17 Fixed electrical installations
- 18 Portable electrical appliances
- 19 Work on electrical systems
- 20 Electrical permit to work
- 21 Buried / underground services,
- 22 Work equipment
- 23 Hot works
- 24 Noise
- 25 Material storage and waste management
- 26 Hand-arm vibration
- 27 Abrasive wheels
- 28 Personal protective equipment
- 29 Head protection
- 37 Site management
- 38 Driving
- 39 Lone working
- 40 Protection of the public
- 42 Alcohol & drugs
- 46 Temporary works
- 47 Confined spaces
- 48 Leptospirosis
- 49 Lifting operations